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Environmental Awareness

People Engagement

Positive Impact & Regeneration

Celebrating Cultural Heritage

  • 4 h
  • Max. 80 Pax
  •  Premium (€180 – 250), Luxury ( €250 +)

On an authentic Finca, guests are invited to discover the origins and characteristics of Ibicencan agricultural practices in a unique and fun way. Guests will learn about where the food comes from, where it is grown and at what moment it is harvested. This is followed by an exquisite menu in the midst of a beautiful natural setting. This is all part of the 'Km Zero' philosophy, which promotes the act of procuring naturally matured products from local vegetable farmers, nearby ranchers and local fishers. All products that are enjoyed during this experience are locally acquired. 

When sustainable living becomes more important 

Guests will be welcomed on the spacious Finca with a delicious aperitif before enjoying a guided tour through the fields. Participants will learn about diversity and the crucial importance of regional agriculture. Guests will be invited to harvest and taste the seasonal fruit and vegetables themselves. The characteristics of Ibicencan fruit and vegetable cultivation will be explained by a guide as well as how to recognise the perfect state of ripeness. After the informative tour, guests will be served a beautiful Km Zero 5-course menu by a local chef in the midst of nature. 

Zero Km Food Xperience as part of a holistic concept 

There are numerous further activities for groups whose focus is sustainable travel. The Zero Km Food Xperience can be combined with the tree planting activity. This extends sustainable fun and allows guests to give back to nature. Another possibility would be arriving at the farm by doing the E-Bike Tour through beautiful scenes of nature. This would ensure a completely emission-free event. 
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