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Environmental Awareness

People Engagement

Positive Impact & Regeneration

Celebrating Cultural Heritage

  • 1 – 2 h
  • Max. 10 Pax
  •  Medium (€120 – 180)

A cool breeze, comfortable warmth and gentle waters invite guests to a special yoga practice on the water. This trendy form of exercise, commonly known as SUP yoga, is ideal for those who enjoy the sea and the beach. This activity is the combination of stand-up paddling and yoga, offering a challenge to all guests that love sports. 

SUP Yoga - The Perfect Addition

Both forms of exercise, stand-up paddling and yoga, help with the development of balance and flexibility. Therefore, the two complement each other perfectly. When combined, the two create a new way of exploring fitness above the beautiful turquoise water. SUP yoga is not only a full-body workout but a form of creating tranquillity. It allows participants to break away from the stress that permeates everyday life and focus on doing something good for the body. As soon as participants go with the natural flow of the waves, balance and the ability to correctly do the poses becomes instinctive. The separate elements present in this activity such as the board, yoga poses and correct breathing technique are combined to form an amazing cycle of symbiosis. Doing stand-up paddle yoga in Ibiza is an experience that no one should miss out on. 

Experience more of the sea 

After SUP yoga, the board can be used again but in a totally different way. Discover and explore even more of Ibiza's stunning coastal landscape on a guided stand-up paddle tour! An alternative option would be to add a little variety to the day and switch to kayaks
A day on the water awaits, contact us!